Induction Show

First week-Monday 11th Sept-Friday 15th Sept 

Monday- We went over some vocal exercises with Rob to improve our vocal chords such as humming and over pronunciations of letters, we then started some games like the 'yes/no' game where we weren't allowed to say yes or no which helped us to open up to more ideas and collaborate better as a acting group. Another example of a game we played was 'Goal Keeper', this game consisted of a student standing in the middle and another student would go up and say a line such as "don't put that there!" the student was put out of their comfort zone during this exercise. We then created a opening line from songs, movies or simply our imagination, I used a line from one of my favourite songs  and then created a scene through improvising.

Tuesday- We carried on our work from yesterday, looking at the required abilities and skills to be an actor such as determination, projection of our voices and communication. We then later had our first movement class with Mandy. During this lesson we went over why movement class was important to us as actors and started some gentle body exercises to help to warm up. We then played a number game, where each number was a basic movement such as jump , gesture , run etc. The task was a series of claps which we would turn into a basic choreography of steps to help improve our sense of rhythm.

Thursday-We explored the topic of 'Identity' with Rob as this would be the topic for our assignment, we paired up in small groups to make a short scene on what we thought identity was about. Every group had their own idea's which helped to give us a perspective on identity. We then wrote down our idea's about identity in the same groups and shared them with each other such as 'Race, Sexuality , Gender'.

Friday-We had our first production class with Becca,we looked at four different videos and analysed what we saw such as setting , lighting , sound and costumes. The lesson helped to give us a clear understanding of the technical and design elements of working in productions. Later we had a lesson with Rob, we went though vocal warm ups for articulating  and were placed into small group of 4 or 5 where we made another scene about identity, this helped us to gather other ideas on identity.

Second Week-Monday 18th Sept-Friday 21st Sept

Monday-We worked in the theatre with Rob, we carried on with our vocal warm ups and did some upper body warm ups. Also we played a game where we paired with the person closest and made our bodies into objects such as a coat hanger.we then were placed into groups of five and told to create a freeze frame portraying a happy family .We then adapted this idea by adding a scene that demonstrated the truth behind the family such as an abusive scene, we then transitioned from the happy family scene into the truth scene.

Tuesday- We worked again in the theatre, as usual we started with our warm ups. We played a game in which we would have to create our own lines and say them as we walked around the theatre then paired together and assigned ourselves as 'a and b',the a's would listen to b's line and comment how clear the line was by thumbs up or down and then vice versa. We worked on adapting our happy families scenes and wrote down some words linking to identity which we used to create a scene. After we had a movement class with Mandy, we wrote down all the safety regulations in the studio such as wearing no socks as the dance floor is slippery after we carried on with the number game and created another rhythm from Mandy's clapping.

Thursday-We started Rob's lesson with our warm ups and carried on with our scenes from last lesson, we refined the scenes to make them more understandable and tried to make it less obvious that the topic was identity to our audience

Friday-during production class with Rebecca we looked at the different roles needed in a production team, we were given our roles for our assignment from a bag and asked to research three facts on our roles then share them as a class for example;I was given the role of a lighting rigger which was a role that I had no idea about, I found out that my role was involved in the technical aspects by installing the lighting and plasma screens from heights. After we had a lesson with rob, we did our warm ups and looked at how we could start to mesh our identity scenes together for our induction show.

third week-Monday 25th Sept-Thursday 27th Sept

Monday- As usual we started with our warm ups and practiced some tongue twisters to help our projection and articulation, we carried on looking into meshing our scenes to make it more clear and understandable to our audience. We looked at each others scenes so we got a clear idea of each others scenes and rob gave us feed back.


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